Contrasts: the Great and the Difficult

Errata: In my last blog I credited the lyrics to How He Loves to David Crowder. While David Crowder does sing this song, the lyrics were written by John Mark McMillan (2010) and recorded on his album The Medicine. Thanks to MC for pointing out my error and introducing me to a fantastic and profound album.

Some of the great things for which we praise God are: The kind words of many people who have come to see us and expressed their thanks for what Donna and I have done in Benin. We asked you to pray about the selling of our vehicle and motorcycle. We are thankful they are sold. Our Benin church sent us off singing “Oui, oui, Dieu est avec toi,” which means “Yes, yes, God is with you.” This song was a tremendous encouragement to Donna and I.

Also in my last blog I mentioned the reception of a container at the Benin Transmitting Station (BTS). This continues to be part of “the great.” A short video on the reception of the container is below.

These great things are contrasted with the difficulty of our final week in Benin: We are saying good-bye to our friends and colleagues. There is the ongoing process of deciding what things are staying in Benin and packing the things that are going to Kenya. Also, in the last few days there have been some differences of opinion concerning the transition at BTS.

Praise God with us for “the great” and pray for “the difficult.” In addition, please keep our Kenya work permit in your prayers along with all the parts of this transition (house, furnishing said house, car, unpacking, new job, etc…). May the adventure begin!

If the video below does not play properly, please use this link:

References Cited

Mcmillan, JM 2010. How He Loves. The Medicine. New York: Integrity Music.

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