Changes! Like Really Major Changes.

Thank you for your prayers and emails over the last month. Concurrent to the restructuring in TWR, the Lord was working and opened the door for Donna and I to teach, research and write at Africa Theological Seminary (ATS –, which is based in Kenya. After much prayer and reflection Donna and I have made the decision to leave TWR to join the faculty of ATS as missionaries (i.e. we will still be raising prayer and financial support). Praise God with us for this clear new direction.

This decision is bitter sweet. It is sad to be leaving TWR after 10 years of service and we have many dear TWR friends and colleagues. As I said in my February 3rd blog, the restructuring of TWR in Africa positions TWR’s ministry to move forward powerfully. We are sad that we will no longer be a part of what the Lord will do with TWR in Africa.

At the same time, we are excited about the opportunities at ATS. For those of you who know me well, you know that I love teaching and helping people understand the Scriptures and sound theology. Also, part of my duties at ATS will be research and writing, another area that I enjoy. In addition, ATS has a Children’s Ministry Program in which Donna will be able to develop curriculum and teach. Donna is passionate about both of these. She is looking forward to being part of equipping others to minister to children as I equip a new generation of pastors and leaders. We see this opportunity with ATS as the Lord opening the doors for both of us to minister in areas where God has given us a passion along with the ability to stay close to our kids.

We will be with TWR until June 30. Between now and June 30, I will be working on some FM radio projects here in Kenya to extend TWR’s reach. For those of you who financially support us, please continue to do so as normal through June 30.

Starting on July 1, we will be transitioning to ATS which is a ministry of International Christian Ministries (ICM – Around mid July we will head to the USA for furlough. This will give us a chance to connect with people to share about what God has done through TWR in the last three years and to share about the new ministry with ATS.

For those who wish to financially support us in this new endeavor starting on July 1, you will be able to give through ICM. More will be said on this latter along with information for those who would want to support another TWR missionary after June 30.

Undoubtedly this short blog leaves many questions unanswered. Lord willing in the near future we will have an FAQ which will help answer questions. Until then, please feel free to email.

Please pray that we can finish well with TWR and then transition well to ATS and ICM.

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