Motorcycle Ride & Back to Kenya

Donna and I recently attended the “Just Get’Er Done” Memorial Ride in Minnesota. This motorcycle ride commemorates Jon Just and raises money to purchase motorcycles for African pastors who do not have motorized transport. Jon died in a motorcycle accident on his way to church—where he worked with the youth. It transforms a pastor’s ministry from walking and using public transport to having a motorcycle. Because of this ride, Africa Theological Seminary (ATS— gives alums and students 30 or more motorcycles yearly. You can learn more about the ride at Praise God for this ride and its transformational effect on the ministries of ATS students and alums.

As I write, I am en route to ATS. The dynamics of this trip are different. In addition to teaching classes, I am orientating two new American adjunct teachers to ATS. I am excited about these adjuncts and believe they will significantly bless the students. Pray for these new adjunct teachers, their adjustment to ATS, and the logistics involved.

Lastly, pray for Donna. She is organizing the transport of all the books received from the Vacation Bible School Mission Project. She is also developing a new course for ATS and will come and teach it in mid-October.

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