Prayer Request for ATS Graduate and Bible Searches

One of my students, who graduated from Africa Theological Seminary (ATS) and works amongst the unreached, is experiencing some significant health challenges with a pregnancy. Please pray for God’s supernatural healing and protection.[1]

One of the challenges with online learning has been working through providing resources for students while they are away from the ATS campus. On campus there is access to numerous computers that have theWord Bible Software installed, which is excellent and free.[2] Since many students do not have laptops, I have worked on figuring out how to search the New Testament for multiple Greek words (in any conjugation or parsing) using an Android phone given the constraints of some students (apps need to be either free or very economical and they must not require Internet after the app and resources are installed).

Earlier this year I shared with you about the Android Bible app called MyBible.[3] Once again this little app has come through and provides a means for students of the Scriptures to do more complex searches involving multiple Greek words. Here is a seven minute video that I made for my students showing them how to do this:

Link to video: MyBible Multiple Greek Word Search

If you are interested here is a link to the play list with the other MyBible app videos that I have made: MyBible app Video Playlist

Thanks for your prayers and support.

Grace & Peace–Paul


[1] Those of you who have been following me for a while will remember praying for this student back in 2016: New Testament Biblical Theology Prayer Requests (in the video this student’s 2016 prayer request starts at 2:54).

[2] theWord Bible Software

[3] Online Classes, Android Bible App, & Graduation Trip

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