Benin Update | On the Plane Again

Thank you for praying for my trip to West Africa. The trip went well, and with God’s help, some technical issues moved forward. Unfortunately, one of the engineers who planned on joining us did not receive his passport back in time. The other engineer, who was ill at the time of my last update, recovered and made the trip. Below are a few photos from the trip. Praise God for a good trip.

This week I board a plane—again—for Kenya to teach the synchronous portion of two hybrid classes and connect with my Kenyan colleagues. Please pray for:

  • all the COVID stuff involved with international travel
  • my time with the students at Africa Theological Seminary (ATS)
  • my time connecting, planning, and fellowshipping with the ATS faculty.

Donna will be holding down the fort here in North Texas. She would appreciate your prayers as we once again say goodbye.

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