End of the Year

The end of the year provides an opportunity to reflect on what God accomplished in the last year. 2022 was a travel-intensive year. I made five international trips: one to West Africa, one to Rwanda, and three to Kenya. I taught: Old Testament Introduction, Elements of Greek, Exegesis, Pauline Epistles, Old Testament Biblical Theology, and New Testament Biblical Theology. I introduced one new adjunct faculty member to ATS and got him started on teaching Church History.

Throughout 2022 I mentioned an article I worked on analyzing a cross-cultural database. For those who read the updates closely, you know this article had some ups and downs. Today (December 30), I received word that the editor has approved the article for publication with a few minor edits. This is an exciting way to end 2022.

On the family front, the arrival of Samantha May McComas (Miriam’s first child) was the year’s highlight. The other Cox kids are OK, but Samantha eclipses news about them.

Donna and I look forward to 2023 and to some changes in how we develop leaders for the future with ATS (more news on this coming soon).

For those who want to make an end-of-the-year contribution, you may do so at:


Thanks for your love, prayers, and support.

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