Pentateuch, Major Prophets, TA, and West Africa Again

Since my last update, my Pentateuch and Major Prophets classes have finished. When Africa Theological Seminary (ATS) started doing online learning, my Teaching Assistant’s (TA) responsibilities were ensuring all the equipment for Zoom was set up and working. Gradually his responsibilities increased, and he is now helping with virtually every aspect of the course, including grading. Praise God for an outstanding TA. Pray for my TA and me as we grade all the field projects for Pentateuch and Major Prophets.

Currently, I am in West Africa (once again) helping TWR at their West Africa Transmitting Station (WATS) for a few weeks. It makes for a nice short break from ATS and keeps the engineering side of my brain from getting too rusty.

I was at WATS in October of last year. You may remember that one of the engineers, Graham, who was to join me in October, could not make the trip due to passport issues. Part of this trip is giving Graham an orientation to WATS, along with several projects and some repairs.

Praise God that the intermittent issues worked on in my last two trips seem to be fixed and that Graham is with me on this trip. Pray for us as we work on projects and some technical problems, one of which is quite challenging. Pray for Donna and me as we are physically separated by many miles once again.

Paul reviewing broadcast issues with WATS technicians.

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